
by Marie Teresa Giuliani

"All rivers flow into the sea but the sea is not yet full."

And I'm surrounded by blue-eyed gentry and blue-labeled beer and an immense blue sky the width of the blue coast And amongst it all at the kitchen table with the blue tablecloth sits the boy with the beard the blue jeans and the red-breasted sweater And I stare at him then out the window at the beach below And I think about those recipes that state "according to package directions" And I apply this to the obviousness of it all

"The near explains the far. The drop is a small ocean. A man is related to all nature."

Blue is see-through The sky, the river, transparent and circular The lie, the liar, transparent and circular

To say "no man is an island" is a lie diametrically opposed to that truth discovered after too many months spent lying beside you, trying to be that self I was when I met you Because we are all islands Or rather, we are none islands, and all water, all ebb, all directions of varying lucidity And I have sifted through algae and parted green seaweed from my eyes and rediscovered humility And I see, that by consuming sovereignty I am see-through too

And now I'm allowed to love you

Maria Giuliani is a writer of poetry, lyrics, and opinionated randomness. She also reviews concerts and albums for two Montreal-based music zines. Her most recent and exciting endeavours can be found at dotdotdot.ca and thekp.info.